Dry Lips in Pregnancy: Why It Happens and How to Fix It January 13, 2025Courtney MacDougall Dry lips are a pregnancy mainstay for most mamas-to-be, but the good news is, we can fix it. Let’s explore why this happens and, more importantly, how to keep your...
Lip Balm Quiz: Which Flavor Are You? July 15, 2024Courtney MacDougall Spoiled for choice? Overwhelmed by options? Don't worry we got you! Take our lip balm quiz to find out which flavor is made for you. Whether you're looking for a...
Lemon Balm Benefits for the Body and Mind April 02, 2024Courtney MacDougal lemon balm has been used since the middle ages in herbal remedies to quell anxiety, improve sleep, speed up wound healing, treat viruses, and boost cognition.
How to Fix Dry, Chapped Lips in Winter & Every Season January 24, 2024Courtney MacDougal Oh winter - the season of highs and lows. Magical holiday magic mixed with freezing tundra temps and their accidental side effect - dry, chapped, flaky lips. If you've tried...
How to Get Rid of a Cold Sore Naturally With Lemon Balm + Other Cold Sore Home Remedies January 22, 2024Courtney MacDougal Our sustainably-sourced, 100% natural Lemon Balm Lavender Lip Balm is a cult-fave for a reason - not only does it smell delicious, it’s incredibly effective at preventing and treating cold sores. Hand-crafted...